
We're not Fooling at ScrapbookingOasis.com!

Thursday is Terrific at ScrapbookingOasis.com! We have DEEP discounts on select products in each main category (Albums, Adhesive, Embellishments, Stamping, Paper, Stickers & Rub-Ons, Storage and Tools). Shop early to take advantage of these LOW prices! Most items are at least ½ price. Sale is on April 1, 2010 only.

Also there seems to be some confusion regarding our "Shipping Costs" newsletter that was sent out the other day. We charge Actual shipping costs and have for a few years now. We have recently switched shopping carts but it appears that it is not calculating the cost of paper (and possibly other lightweight items) correctly for shipping costs. If you feel that your order is not calculated correctly please contact us for a quote. Even if you do not contact us we will adjust it to reflect actual shipping and handling costs. For example if you have 60 sheets of paper/cardstock in your cart and the shipping showing is $70 – it is incorrect and we will not charge you that price.

We hope that you come and check out our new site!

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